King's Quest 2Romancing the Throne

Guide the king through a dangerous foreign land as he searches for a suitable, wife!

Game Description

King Graham is a Bit Lonely

Sir Graham, the hero of the original King's Quest, is now ruler of Daventry. Although the land is at peace, King Graham is lonely. After looking at his magic mirror, he sees a vision of a beautiful woman in distress who just happens to be pretty enough to resuce.

Donning his sword and adventuring hat, the king travels to a far off land, full of danger and surprises, to search for his bride.

High Quality Adventure

King's Quest 2 is a fantastic point and click adventure game. The graphics are great considering it was originally made in 1985. The puzzles are fun and the story has a load of chuckles woven in. Definitely worth the download.

Stuck in the game? Check out this walkthrough.

Download Details
  • Win 2000/XP
  • 43.4 MB
  • Unlimited Play
  • This game is Freeware and not supported
(You will be sent to the developer's site to download.)

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